Merry march!
With just a little over 2 weeks until Luckman Fine Arts presents It’s National See-a-Show Day!Saturday, March 16, 8pm in their Intimate Theatre, Benny and I are zealously toiling to concoct for you a most unique evening of original songs and shtick. Broadway World recently released our roster of special guests, and just today Benny and I hosted rehearsal with Miyuki Miyagi—violining and singing—and of course jackbenny’s beloved percussionist Theo Seidmon, who’s augmenting his auxiliary arsenal to further color the show. We’re painting some vivid soundscapes to which I hope you’ll treat your ears!
Benny and I just radiate to learn several friends and family have already purchased their seats either online or by calling the Luckman box office at (323) 343-6600. Other dear ones have hesitated, but understandably, due to the astonishing and excrescent “fees" that Ticketmaster appends—and Will Call is for international patrons only?! We hence prefer calling the chipper staff of the box office, however they also claim a service fee, albeit significantly lower than TM’s.
But because Benny and I live a mere 5 to 7 minutes from the venue, as an email list *exclusive* we are offering a couple “runs” to the box office where, upon a commensurate VenMo transfer, either of us can buy you a seat at face value, sans fees! If you see Benny or I in the near future we can give you the ticket(s), or we can set you up at Will Call. All curious to participate can simply reply to this message and we'll further instruct you!
This coming Monday, March 4, Benny and I guest-judge Learn the Words Bitch!, Akbar’s monthly lip sync competition hosted by Tony Soto And the following night, I musical direct—and Benny basses—A Star is Born: Judy. Barbra. Gaga., a musical experience in which director and friend Blake McIver weaves the last 3 iconic Star is Born films into one era-bending staged concert…but we’re completely sold out! We’ll surely mount this special piece again soon.
See ya soon!